On the way home that evening, conditions were much better. I had no trouble with the hills, and no one seemed to be slipping off the road. Still, speeds were generally low, and people seemed cautious.
Today, there was a gentle but significant snowfall. All the trees had a thick coating, and the sky was sufficiently overcast to produce that generally monochrome atmosphere. This was in the early morning--more snow arrived during the day, and when I arrived home I saw that Pat had made a brief stab at the driveway. He ran the plow up to the end and then turned and left. This was a little odd; the situation has not improved.
The dogs were quite happy with the conditions. Ollie occasionally crashed through the crust and had to bound his way out, but on the whole t he dogs were strongly pro-snow. Valla rolled about very happily, and only the possibility of extra food kept Frey from keeping his station in the trek.

I can enjoy snow when I know it cannot last long. All of this will be gone quite soon!