Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Summer Woods

We have had a long cool period with lots of rain which is gradually giving way to much hotter weather. Here the crown closure is evident--I'll start thinning as soon as I've dealt with the dogwood.

The Crick has been flowing steadily, in spite of drying up briefly in June. Panama never quite faded away. Even so, if one digs down a few inches, the woods are quite dry. A burn ban is a very reasonable measure. Pat's brush fire would certainly have got away from him if he hadn't had his 6-ton loader handy: home fire suppression.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Evening Sky

Atmospheric shots are difficult, especially in the dusk. By the time you get the settings right, the sky above has changed again. I saw some beautiful sunset effects, but by the time I had retrieved my camera and returned outside, the colours had faded, and then it all quickly dissipated.

Forget framing and composition--it all vanished in seconds, and I never caught its full glory. Sic transit gloria caeli.