Friday, 27 July 2018

Lunar Eclipse

The night of the lunar eclipse! And could I find my tripod adapter? No, I could not. And then the clouds rolled in. And that's all, folks!

Sunday, 8 July 2018

By the Sea

Whose woods are these? Not ours! We went for a seaside vacation at our favorite super-secret spot. A house we don't have to fix! Luxury! And trees we don't have to thin or clear!

Sunday, 1 July 2018

I Celebrate Canada Day

. . . by finally removing the cast iron vent stack. I have to say, my "Great Big Book of Renos" made it sound a lot easier than it turned out to be. In the end, only this tool proved robust enough to crack an iron hub: the balljoint fork. This, together with a club hammer ("Little Persuader") was just able to shatter the joint with a LOT of effort. Nevertheless, I did it all, from attic to cellar. I was just reconnecting the bathroom fixtures as Jo returned from out West.