Saturday, 24 April 2021


 Yes, well, there's a Selkirk in the way! The joist on the right is single, but the hanger sits on the old post, so there!


Saturday, 17 April 2021

Spring's Not Sprung

 It's still looking pretty bleak out. No sign of songbirds or grass! 

Friday, 16 April 2021

Splicing the Mainbrace

When they put the chimney in the kitchen, they dealt with the joist by simply cutting a few feet out of it. I've sandwiched it between two 2 by 8s, replaced the missing section, and glued and bolted everything together. It should take the bounce out of the upstairs bedroom.

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Hidden Chimney

 Hidden above the kitchen ceiling was a chimney. They added a vent next to it, which is curious--why make another hole in the floor when there's one there already? Here it is, with the bricks and tin pipe removed.