Saturday, 16 October 2021


 Overall, the trees had a fine season. 

The sky is dull, so the colours do not show as they should, but the leaves were plentiful and bright, and most thrived. I think the little elm at the foot of Diane's drive is dying, and there are a few trees under the power line that will have to go, but otherwise--a fine fall.

Friday, 15 October 2021

Window on the World

Sometimes things move slowly; at other times they zip along.

May 30

October 9
October 10

October 11

Monday, 11 October 2021

End of the Season

 This autumn has lingered beautifully. The weather is still quite deck-worthy, even in mid-October. However, the shadows lengthen, the days grow shorter, and winter is coming.

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Giant Spiders!

 They are setting traps by the steps to the loading dock, and they're after my van!

Sunday, 3 October 2021

First Fire

I finally broke down and lit a fire to drive away the cold and damp. I thought we might make it to Hallowe'en, but it was not to be. We still have to put away the seasoned wood and stack the new load that Robert brought last month, but that will have to wait until I pour a concrete slab in the woodshed.