Monday, 31 October 2022

Halloween Day


It has been a lovely mild autumn, and as Halloween arrives there is no sign of snow. Good! Every week past the 31st without snow means a shorter winter. We are not even CLOSE to being ready, with work yet to do on the woodpile, woodshed, oil tank housing, and the cars...but we still have time.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Tanks a Lot

 The new oil tank is in place--and my! haven't they added a lot of hardware to the top. The new enclosure is going to be challenging...fully four new projections to deal with, and two must be given transparent caps. Bugger.

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Heating Begins

We have had wood and pellet fires in the house for some time, but today marks the first pellet fire in the workshop for the heating season. It was so well set up last year that it only required a light cleaning to set it going again.

Saturday, 15 October 2022


 Often, the red apples remain in the tree in the front garden right through the winter. This year it is already quite bare--I think that big Blue Jay may have something to do with that! 

Saturday, 1 October 2022

Shedding My Worries

 Time is running out! I still have most of the footings and slab to pour (last year's half was a little under a half). There was nearly a foot of debris--bark, wood scraps, rotted boards--to dig out before proper excavation began. There is a little rot on the sills, but on the North side almost none at all. Elsewhere, I'll just shave them down with the reciprocating saw.