Quite a few years ago, I bought a Freud bit set for floating panel doors. Unfortunately, I belatedly discovered that they required at least a 3HP router, and my Porter-Cable wasn't up to the job. Eventually I acquired a 3.25HP Freud router, by which time I had forgotten about the bits. I gathered up a few oak scraps and made some doors, the final part of the bathroom renovation, and they turned out fairly well. I think I'm going to enjoy these bits...finally!
Saturday, 29 April 2023
Little Doors
Saturday, 22 April 2023
It Sucks
I finally emptied and took down the wood storage rack that has been in use for about 20 years. In its place I installed this air cleaner, which I hope will save my lungs from fine shop dust. This is before I rotated it 180 degrees--it seemed better to have it sucking from the chop saw than blowing towards it!
Saturday, 15 April 2023
The snow has retreated, but has not gone. The days are often bright, but not warm. We still have woodfires, front and back. Still--lovely sky!
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