Thursday, 21 September 2023

Discovery of FIRE

 This is the first fire of the season. We had several cold nights with frost warnings, and I decided it was time to get at least ONE heating unit going. Considering that it had been overhauled and set to rights before an unexpected cold snap, it was surprisingly soiled, with the chimney needing a sweep and a pretty full ash compartment. All done! Now for the oil furnace....

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Rotarian Bliss


There's nothing quite so satisfying as installing a new rotor. Farewell, ugly accretions of rust! Hello, smooth, progressive braking.

Sunday, 17 September 2023


 After a dark and rainy summer, the tomatoes FINALLY ripened. It was not by any means a bounteous harvest, but we did get a few, and the larger ones yield a whole salad at one go. Tasty, too!

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Door Frog

 Every now and then one of these little fellows appears on our back door. I don't know why--perhaps all the good trees were already taken?