Perhaps we will have an early spring this year; admittedly, March is a week away, and anything can happen in this season--still. . . .
The snowshoe trail has grown soggy and pitted; everywhere the sun touches it softens up. Snowshoes are too awkward but boots punch holes in the weakening crust. Valla seemed surprised to find a considerable amount of open water at Panama; this was a frozen clearing last year at this time.

The truck has been sitting on a sheet of ice next to the workshop since I parked it in late December. Today with the aid of the thaw and a large bag of sand, I actually managed to get it unstuck, clawing my way forward until I hit the remaining snow. It is dense and wet but only about 8 inches deep. If this keeps up, I will be able to drive away quite easily. Last March 14 we had nearly three feet of snow in the woods--I can't wait to see what this year's accumulation will amount to. It looks as though our firewood will last out the season after all. We've burned less of everything: wood, oil, and pellets. Prices on all fuels are down this year as well. Yup--definitely frightening.
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