We not only experience a huge variety of weather over a week, but we also have quite a range during a single day. The temperature has risen above 30 and fallen below 10, just in the last few days. And this afternoon, amidst alternating sun and cloud, we had a rainbow. It's been a funny season for trees, so far. I actually cut down one of our "pets," the white pine at the front. It was badly damaged over the winter; this, together with the very severe pruning I gave it last fall made it quite hideous. Boris chopped it down with an axe! Not to be outdone, Lucy chopped another mangled pine, the one along the east line, also with an axe. The red oak is looking rather peaked as well, and I can see a woodpecker has been at it. Its days may be numbered. So may Ollie's; he has a massive growth on his chest. He is not in any discomfort, though, and as vigorous as ever. He's about 9 now. Abbie and Frey are 13.
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