On Thursday, 18 October, as I was changing the oil on the
Honda, I noticed a fine dusting of tiny ice pellets. The following Saturday, I
changed the tires on all three cars. The snowstorm on the night of Tuesday the
rd caught many people by surprise and there were traffic delays
and closures. Overnight on Saturday the 27
th we had an ice storm.
One of the lilacs split, a branch was torn from the white pine by the drive
way, two young larches were bowed over—and the Internet connection is down. Not
even my cell data connection works.
It is 10:23, and the internet is back--for now! It has been out for three hours. I'm surprised to find it has been restored so quickly; the power lines have a substantial coating of ice. The strong winds kept this frozen, even as the temperature climbed; now the winds have died down and the ice is melting again.
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