All winter the garage was packed with roofing materials: a great stack of 1/2 inch plywood and a pile of 14 foot roofing steel. I built a sort of drawbridge that served the dual purpose of allowing me to reach the toolbox and preventing the cars from crushing the metal. Miraculously, everything made it through the winter unscathed, and in the spring we resumed our interrupted labours. However, instead of continuing with the siding, we tackled the roof, and finished the job in three days. First, we had to strip off the old metal, creating a mound of twisted and rusty sheets to the northeast. Then we rolled down tarpaper (or as the snotty clerk insisted, roofing felt) and laid the 1/2 inch plywood over that.

I replaced only one board, and I hope I don't regret this. I'm relying rather heavily on the thickness of the wood imparting a certain strength even when it's quite, um, weathered. Anyway, here it is, almost complete.
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