Sunday, 6 November 2022


 I added a concrete ramp up to the door and a plywood one inside. Cleaned up and swept, it looks pretty good in spite of the messy trowel work. I must find a way to get a better finish. However, it should work quite well. The entire perimeter footing is connected by rebar, and the slab sections are linked to each other and to the footing. Moreover, there is a vapor barrier under the slab. Right now it is about one-third full of wood; tomorrow I'll start moving the woodpiles inside. I have a couple of stacks in the little wood between the properties, so I'll trailer those in as well. 

The new concrete mixer isn't bad, once you get used to its various quirks: it spins too quickly, the agitator blades are poorly designed, and there is too much play in the supports. The ball bearing seems to have fixed the locking mechanism, so it is back to its normal performance, which is poor. Still, I mixed the footing and slab for a 16 by 12 woodshed with it, and it didn't quit on me. Now I would like to wire the shed for lights, using standard 14/2 and regular fixtures--but with 12V bulbs. I'll put a deep wave battery in, and when we build the new potting shed and hook it up to the garage system, we'll convert it to 120V.

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